Kleen Bin is the leading South African Refuse Bin Cleaning Franchise “in operation for 20 years"
The invention of the mobile refuse bin-cleaning machine came about as a result of a number of the public complaining about how difficult it was to wash the 240L refuse bins after the Municipality had emptied it. It was found that not only was it a dirty, smelly job but that there was also a tremendous waste of both water and cleaning chemicals. Even with a lot of time and “elbow grease”, the bin would never become completely clean. Kleen Bin then decided to invent a machine that would take care of his problem. After many trials and errors, a working proto type was built
Once the proto type was developed and fully functional, we approached a patent lawyer who immediately saw the potential and began the patent process, which has subsequently been approved. Patent Number 98/10084
The pilot operation was launched in Cape Town in 1997 and has since grown with 50 Franchises being opened to date.