From a humble beginning, Ekhurleni Drums & Containers was founded in 2008 after realising the importance and value of our Environment. We then promised to be more involved in the improvement of water or air pollution which adversely affects any life form, living conditions or situation of human value, when we started our Business.
Due to the nature of business and the new laws implemented, we saw it a challenge when we started the core of our business. We at Ekhurleni Drums & Containers pride ourselves through our excellent service, in meeting all quality requirements of all our Customers thereby keeping them satisfied at all times. We are very dependent on all or Customers, big or small, as they are the sole “lifehood” of our business. We are the first to admit, that we as a company remain in business solely because after a few years of learning and experiencing some curve balls, together with economic downturns and the odd stay away: cum strikes, we have managed to ‘weather the storms’ and remain steadfast as a competitor in the drum and container reconditioning business. We acknowledge all our competitors in our business as we realize everyone creates a ‘niche’ according to want of market share.
We are however very cautions as to who tries to acquire a similar type of business unaware of the consequences and dangerous implications that may result, if not acknowledgeable about the impact on the environment. When wrongly executed for monetary gains only, we will act ‘Watchdog’ to prevent such company in doing so, by approaching the respective authorities and control bodies.